Braden | SBVA Snaps Photography | Frisco Senior Photos
About 5 or 6 years ago, I was a Language Arts teacher to the BEST group of seventh grade kids here in Frisco. Most people absolutely cringe when they think about teaching a room full of middle schoolers, but I love them!

I taught Braden's class before I was married and before I had children of my own. But I distinctly remember thinking, "You know...if I have children, I want them to be exactly like this." Because they made me laugh. They made me smile. They cared for each other. And most of all, they just had great hearts and great character.

Braden was part of the group of kids that I taught, and he was no exception. I am so proud of his accomplishments and I was thrilled to know that I would be taking his senior portraits this year.

Braden is on the basketball team--and rightly so considering he has grown at least a foot since I had seen him last!

To find out more about my senior portrait sessions, you may check out my gallery and collections!
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